Sunday, January 24, 2010

2 excitingly random occurences

Two randomly exciting things happened to me today. I was walking to the library from the gym and saw a possum defecating by a stairwell in the rain. I've never seen a real live possum before. The possum looked kind of cute, so I tried to take a picture using my phone. That didn't work out since the lighting was bad. Too bad I didn't have my camera. I felt kind of bad for the little thing siting there in the rain, but then again it probably had rabies. Second randomly exciting thing that happened today: I was just brushing my teeth right before I started writing this post, and a small bubble floated out from the foam of my toothpaste. That's never happened to me before, and I'm not going to lie, I was rather amused. Enough of the randomness. Good night!


  1. u are too cute!! the smallest things really do bring so much joy, don't they?;) poor possum, but ure right, it probaby had rabies:P hehe
